
We strive to be inclusive and welcoming. Membership is open to any person who agrees with our vision and guiding principles and who joins CASL as an individual and not in a representative capacity (ie. in their role as an employee, political office holder, or their position in another organization). 

Collaboration and influence

Integrity is power. 

In order to effect the urgent change that science has demonstrated must occur, CASL will engage with other groups such as labour, industry, and government, and others with the caveat that in so doing we will not participate in engagement where CASL is being co-opted or used in order to promote agendas, systems, politics, and public relation efforts, that are not in alignment with our guiding principles and vision. In engaging we will do so from a position of truth, awareness, and discernment. 

We will work with the understanding that trust can only be built through honesty, clear communication and clear intention.

Core Planning Team

If you want to become a member of the Core Planning Team, active CASL participation is required. This means attending meetings and contributing your talents to actionize agreements and decisions. If not, you’ll be on our network list and receive periodic email updates and invitations to our community events.